
Class Summary
GUIAddFileToCommunication_Event Event used to notify the occurrence of a GUIAddFileToCommunication_Event event which occurs when a file should be added to the communication tab.
GUIAddFormToCommunication_Event Event used to notify the occurrence of a GUIAddFormToCommunication_Event event which occurs when a form should be added to the communication tab.
GUIAddParticipantToComm_Event Event used to notify the occurrence of a UCIAddParticipantToComm_Event Date: February 09, 2010
GUICloseApp_Event Event used to notify the occurence of a GUICloseApp_Event Date: February 09, 2010
GUICreationFormPanelOpen_Event Event used to notify the occurrence of a GUICreationFormOpen Date: February 05, 2010
GUIExpandView_Event Event used to notify the occurence of a UserLogout Date: January 29, 2010
GUIFormPanelClear_Event Event used to notify the occurrence of a GUIFormPanelClear Date: February 05, 2010
GUIFormPanelClose_Event Event used to notify the occurrence of a GUIFormPanelClose Date: February 05, 2010
GUIHideView_Event Event used to notify the occurence of a UserLogout Date: January 29, 2010
GUIMyAppPanelRefresh_Event Event used to notify the GUI to refresh the GUIMyAppPanelRefresh_Event panel.
GUIMyFormsPanelRefresh_Event Event used to notify the GUI to refresh the MyForms panel.
GUINewCallStarted_Event Event used to notify the occurrence of a GUINewCallStarted_Event Date: February 09, 2010
GUIOpenForm_Event Event used to notify the occurrence of a GUIOpenForm_Event event which occurs when a user double clicks a specific form in the Forms side panel.
GUIRemoveParticipantFromComm_Event Event used to notify the occurrence of a UCIRemoveParticipantToComm_Event Date: February 09, 2010
GUIShowChat_Event Event used to notify the occurrence of a GUIShowChat_Event Date: February 16, 2010
GUISidePanelToggle_Event Event used to notify the occurrence of a GUISidePanelToggle_Event Date: February 04, 2010
UCIContactRemoved_Event Event used to notify the occurrence of a UCIContactRemoved Date: February 05, 2010
UCIControlSchemaReceived_Event Event used to notify the occurrence of a UCIControlSchemaReceived_Event event which occurs when a control schema is received Date: February 14, 2010
UCIControlSchemaUpdate_Event Event used to notify the occurrence of a UCIControlSchemaUpdate_Event Date: February 09, 2010
UCIDataSchemaUpdate_Event Event used to notify the occurrence of a UCIDataSchemaUpdate_Event Date: February 16, 2010
UCIFormReceived_Event Event used to notify the occurrence of a UCIFormReceived_Event event which occurs when SE Receives a form Schema.
UCIParticipantAdded_Event Event used to notify the occurrence of a UCIParticipantAdded Date: February 05, 2010
UserAddFileToCommunication_Event Event used to notify the occurrence of a UserAddFileToCommunication_Event event which occurs when a user drags a file into the file list of a communication on the GUI.
UserAddFormToCommunication_Event Event used to notify the occurrence of a UserAddFormToCommunication_Event event which occurs when a user drags a form into the forms list of a communication on the GUI.
UserAddParticipantToComm_Event Event used to notify the occurrence of a UCIAddParticipantToComm_Event Date: February 09, 2010
UserCloseApp_Event Event used to notify the occurence of a UserLogout Date: January 29, 2010
UserEditPasswordOpen_Event Event used to notify the occurrence of a UserEditPasswordOpen event which occurs when a user presses the Edit Password button on the GUI.
UserEditProfileOpen_Event Event used to notify the occurrence of a UserChangeProfile event which occurs when a user presses the ChangeProfile button on the GUI.
UserFormFileOpen_Event Event used to notify the occurrence of a UserFormFileOpen_Event event which occurs when a user double clicks a specific form in the Forms File.
UserLoginAccepted_Event Event used to notify the occurrence of a UserLoginAccepted Date: January 30, 2010
UserLoginAttempt_Event Event used to notify the occurence of a UserLoginAttempt Date: January 29, 2010
UserLogout_Event Event used to notify the occurence of a UserLogout Date: January 30, 2010
UserNewCallStarted_Event Event used to notify the occurrence of a UserNewCallStarted Date: February 04, 2010
UserOpenCall_Event Event used to notify the occurrence of a UserOpenCall_Event event which occurs when a user double clicks a call in the MyApps side panel.
UserOpenForm_Event Event used to notify the occurrence of a UserOpenForm_Event event which occurs when a user double clicks a specific form in the Forms side panel.
UserPasswordChangeAttempt_Event Event used to notify the occurrence of a UserPasswordChangeAttempt event which occurs when a user presses the Apply button on the Password Change GUI.
UserPasswordChanged_Event Event used to notify the occurrence of a UserPasswordChanged event which occurs when the user has been validated to change his previous password.
UserProfileEdited_Event Event used to notify the occurrence of a UserProfileEdited event which occurs when a user presses the Apply button on the Profile Edit GUI.
UserRemoveParticipantFromComm_Event Event used to notify the occurrence of a UCIRemoveParticipantToComm_Event Date: February 09, 2010
UserSaveConn_Event Event used to notify the occurrence of a UserSaveConn_Event event which occurs when a user presses the Save on the Call Window.
UserSaveForm_Event Event used to notify the occurrence of a UserSaveForm_Event event which occurs when a user presses the Save on the Form Window.
UserSendChat_Event Event used to notify the occurrence of a UserSendChat_Event Date: February 15, 2010
UserSendControlSchema_Event Event used to notify the occurrence of a UserSendControlSchema_Event Date: February 15, 2010