Uses of Class

Packages that use NegotiationSchema

Uses of NegotiationSchema in cvm.model

Methods in cvm.model that return NegotiationSchema
 NegotiationSchema CVM_Driver.createTestNegotiationSchema(java.lang.String init, java.lang.String act, java.lang.String sender)
          This method is used to create a test negotiation schema

Uses of NegotiationSchema in cvm.model.handlers.schema

Methods in cvm.model.handlers.schema that return NegotiationSchema
 NegotiationSchema NegotiationSchemaParser.parseXMLToSchema(java.lang.String xmlString)
          This function parses an xml string in the format of a NegotiationSchema/ XML and creates a DataSchema object.
 NegotiationSchema SchemaParser.perseFromXMLToNegotiationSchema(java.lang.String xmlNeg)

Methods in cvm.model.handlers.schema that return types with arguments of type NegotiationSchema
 java.util.HashMap<java.lang.String,NegotiationSchema> SchemaAnalizer.performDeviceCapabilityNegotiation(java.util.HashMap<java.lang.String,NegotiationSchema> schemas, ControlSchema ctrSchema)
          Checks that all the schemas have the same number of devices.

Methods in cvm.model.handlers.schema with parameters of type NegotiationSchema
 boolean SchemaAnalizer.isNegotiationAccepted(NegotiationSchema schema)
          This function checks if the negotiation schema is meant to accept the negotiation.
 boolean SchemaAnalizer.isNegotiationCanceled(NegotiationSchema schema)
          This function checks if the negotiaton schema is meant to cancel the negotiation.
 java.lang.String NegotiationSchemaParser.parseSchemaToXML(NegotiationSchema schema)
          This function takes a data schema object and converts it into XML format.

Method parameters in cvm.model.handlers.schema with type arguments of type NegotiationSchema
 java.util.HashMap<java.lang.String,NegotiationSchema> SchemaAnalizer.performDeviceCapabilityNegotiation(java.util.HashMap<java.lang.String,NegotiationSchema> schemas, ControlSchema ctrSchema)
          Checks that all the schemas have the same number of devices.

Uses of NegotiationSchema in

Methods in that return NegotiationSchema
 NegotiationSchema NegotiationObject.getNegSchema()

Methods in that return types with arguments of type NegotiationSchema
 java.util.HashMap<java.lang.String,NegotiationSchema> NegotiationObject.getNegSchemas()

Methods in with parameters of type NegotiationSchema
 void NegotiationObject.addSchemaReceived(NegotiationSchema schema)
          This function adds a schema to the list, once all the schemas are in the machine moves to the next state of negotiation.
 void CommunicationProcess.handleIncommingNegotiation(NegotiationSchema negSchema)
          This function handles incoming negotiation shemas.
 void NegotiationObject.handleIncommingNegotiation(NegotiationSchema negSch)
          This function handles the negotiation comming from the CVM, or an outside user.
 void CommunicationProcessManager.receiveCommunication(NegotiationSchema negSchema)
          Given a negotiation schema, it looks up the the communication process.
 void NegotiationObject.ReceivedSchema(NegotiationSchema negSchema)
 void CommunicationProcess.registerSchema(NegotiationSchema negSchema)
          This function registers every schema received only when all the schemas are received, it signals the start of negotiation.
 void NegotiationObject.setNegSchema(NegotiationSchema negSchema)
          Set the negotiaotion schema.

Method parameters in with type arguments of type NegotiationSchema
 void NegotiationObject.setNegSchemas(java.util.HashMap<java.lang.String,NegotiationSchema> negSchemas)
          Sets the list of negotiation schemas.

Uses of NegotiationSchema in cvm.uci.handlers

Methods in cvm.uci.handlers with parameters of type NegotiationSchema
 void UCIEventObjectManager.notifyDataSchemaReceived(NegotiationSchema negSchema)
          Event notification function.